ARE YOU COVERED? Types of Coverage You Should Consider When Purchasing an Auto Insurance Policy

  1. Personal Injury Liability: Helps cover the cost of the other driver’s bodily injury if you are found at fault in the collision.

  2. Collision Insurance: Covers damage to your vehicle after an accident involving another vehicle and may help repair or replace your damaged vehicle.

  3. Comprehensive Insurance: Covers damage to your vehicle related to incidents that include vandalism, hail, water damage, acts of God, accidents with animals, and weather damage.

  4. Gap Insurance: Optional coverage that may help some drivers cover difference of the amount they owe on their car and the car’s fair market value in the event of an accident.

  5. Property Damage Liability: Helps cover the costs of property damage you may cause to someone else’s property and can include property damage to the vehicle, fences, buildings, or other structures.

  6. Rental Reimbursement: Insurance company helps the insured pay for alternative transportation while the vehicle is being repaired after a collision.

  7. Uninsured Motorist Coverage: Coverage protects you if the at-fault driver does not carry liability insurance or you are involved in a hit and run.

  8. Medical Payments: Commonly referred to as Med Pay, this is an optional coverage in Missouri. If you have a KS policy, this type of coverage is known as Personal Injury Protection, or PIP and is mandatory on all Kansas policies with a minimum limit of $4,500.00. Med Pay or PIP covers medical costs resulting from the collision, regardless of who was at fault.

  9. Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Coverage protects you if the at-fault driver’s liability limits are too low to cover the damage or medical expenses due to the incident.

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Insurance Terms Frequently Used During Personal Injury Law


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